Coaching & Mediation
This is coaching ...
Coaching is the purposeful enabling of self-management skills: as part of the contract, select changes will be sought and effected in behavior and attitude. The client already knows everything; the answers need only be revealed.
... and this is systemic coaching
As a systemic coach, I see my clients within their relevant system, company or department. Potential and blocks affect the system and are also affected by the system. An isolated perspective would be unsustainable. Especially for executives, a good position in and relationship to the system, stable foundation on firm footing, are critical to business success and personal fulfillment. My coaching is characterized by a compact and focused approach; often an issue can be clarified together within a few hours and the way paved for a new path.
The advantages of individual coaching
- Highest possible efficiency through individual, solution-focused work
- Confidentiality and neutrality enable more open and intensive work
- Clients benefit from the best practices of successful people
- Employees are motivated by the special appreciation of coaching
- Client achieves higher output with less effort
- Coaching increases self-reflection and thus the client's ability to self-regulate
- Fulfilling your leadership role better and easier, disciplinary and/or professional responsibilities
- Making work processes and work organisation easier
- Time management, stress management, energy balance
- Designing and applying solution-oriented communication
- Dealing with difficult customers, employees , colleagues and partners
- Optimising teamwork
A client usually attends a session once, at most three times until the concerns are resolved to his/her satisfaction. The company assumes the costs or sometimes the clients prefer financing these sessions themselves.
Everything is strictly confidential.
Eine Mediation führt zu einer gemeinsamen Lösung der Konfliktparteien. Sollte das synergetische und wertschätzende Miteinander-Arbeiten zwischen einigen Kollegen derzeit nicht möglich sein, dann hilft eine neutrale Intervention durch einen Mediator. Transparenz wird geschaffen und so die klaren nächsten Schritte ermöglicht.
- Vorgespräch mit Führungskraft und mit den Konfliktparteien
- Gemeinsames Arbeiten mit den Konfliktparteien 0,5 - 2 Tage
- Vorstellen der Ergebnisse der Führungskraft (Verlauf und Zwischenergebnisse bleiben vertraulich)
- Follow-up nach ca. 6 Monaten zur Stabilisierung der Nachhaltigkeit
Burnout Consulting
Burnout describes the state of physical and emotional exhaustion. People affected by burnout suffer from symptoms such as weakness and fatigue and lose their ability to act and their zest for life. Burnout often creeps in unrecognized and occurs in phases.
In these cases, the company has a duty of care to act on behalf of the person affected. Prevention is preferable to treatment.
- Conversation with the supervisor and the human resources manager
- Status determination with the affected person
- Corresponding coordinated approach with strengthening, self-reflection, elimination of causes, reorientation, activation of the ability to act and to make decisions
- Regular follow-up
Outplacement, Newplacement
Your employee needs support in order succeed at a new task in a new company. And in the process, discovers just how much potential s/he has and is thus motivated to continue on this new trajectory successfully. When you meet later in your sector, it will be with respect and ready for new tasks.
- Preliminary discussion with the manager or human resources manager
- Preliminary discussion with the employee
- Development of an overall package: Current market opportunities, strengths and weaknesses, self-perception, raising of employability and self-esteem, support in the application process and after the onboarding at the new job