Team training & seminars

Team Training
A team can have many advantages through team training
- The previous performance is achieved with less effort
- A higher performance is achieved
- A shared sense of responsibility grows
- The roles are clear and the strengths of the members are used
- Team members communicate in a solution-oriented, open and respectful manner
- Conflicts are solved and future conflicts can be prevented by the team itself
- Bullying and harassment (German: Mobbing) tendencies are dissolved
- New ideas, structures, processes are created and their implementation ensured
- The reputation of the team in the company improves
- Ideally, a team is self-regulating, i.e. it can and will control itself and thus achieve its goals in the best possible way.
Seminars for more power and success in the company
Seminars are successful when they effect a change. So what "works" is helpful. Important is a sustainable, targeted change in behavior, understanding, leadership and cooperation aligned with the corporate strategy, marketing goals, customer needs and proximity to employees. Our success is to make you successful. All seminars can be booked in GERMAN and ENGLISH.
Conscious leadership - From stress and strain to strength and joy
Leadership means results-oriented thinking, feeling, working and speaking. Your employees take responsibility and find their way team. You enable your team to be each other's companions, supporters, critics and teachers. This team spirit you make possible through your consciousness which discovers the best methods and processes. You can concentrate on the essential, let go of the operative and shepherd your team’s empowerment. You are mindful mentor and leader.
Success means making others successful!
Format: 2 days
Participants: ideally 12, managers and employees if possible together, also from different departments
- Trustful cooperation with management colleagues
- Leading yourself as a leader—ego-free
- Communicating goals and achieving them with the team
- Empowering employees to achieve goals autonomously
- Recognizing and managing team dynamics
- Team self-awareness and -regulation
- Successful delegation, organising yourself and others
- Clear, supportive communication, learning culture
- Securing the leadership "flow“
- The importance of taking and living your proper place within the system, sociograms
- The executive as coach, systemic view
- Growing and promoting employees, curating deputies and successors
Lead with coaching
Being a coach is the easiest way to create long-term and good relationships. You succeed in unleashing the potential of your partner to work together. You enable your partner to recognize their "WHAT I really want" and "WHY": WHAT motivates them, WHAT they want to achieve, WHY they want to achieve it, WHAT hinders them.
Thus, your partner develops a reliable inner compass to achieve common goals. In this way you support them with practical and effective coaching methods. As a manager, you create win-win situations between you, your company and employees, colleagues, customers and service providers.
Format: 2 days
Participants: ideally 9, managers and prospective managers
- The Inner Attitude: Coach - Consultant - Mentor - Moderator - Leader
- Know your own blind spots
- Role clarification: Coach and coachee
- Systemic laws: everything is contingent
- Drawing sociograms: with persons, figures, symbols
- Group dynamics and their impact
- Issues Clarification: coaching tools
- The power of words, images, rituals
- Challenging coaching situations
- Coaching framework and procedure
- Coaching possiblitilies, liabilities, limits
Communication and Conflict Resolution
Good communication is giving and receiving. This powerful interplay unlocks productive energies. Good communicators shape their world together. You will be understood, and you can understand your partner.
Addressing conflicts requires courage and reliable methods. Only then can conflicts lead to growth - because they are solved consciously and quickly. The willingness to solve conflicts courageously and directly by bringing the smoldering accusations to the surface is the greatest appreciation we can show to people.
Format: 1 day
Participants: ideally 12, managers and employees if possible together, also from different departments
- Communication rules
- Using „I“ messages to be authentically present
- Sender-receiver model, thoughts are pictures
- 4-ears model: observing without judging
- Trust through heart-led, eye-level communication: Transactional analysis
- Conflict stages, de-escalation and creative solutions
- The Harvard Method for Conflict Resolution (William Ury: Mediation and Meditation)
- Sound arguments
- Nonviolent communication (M. Rosenberg NVC)
Mental strength and calmness
Love it - Change it - or Leave it
Mental strength comes from honesty, courage, decisiveness and clear communication. This
Posture creates calmness, even in turbulent situations. Helpful behavior and Exercises can be used continuously in everyday life and thus lead to a more emotionally independent life
learn to lead. A seminar that gives you joy in life and strength for your profession.
Format: 1 day
Participants: ideally managers and prospective managers
- Honest view of the situation
- Clear communication to yourself and others
- Making decisions
- Courage for the unknown
- Let go of dramas and victimhood
- Trust in the higher
- Nature gives us serenity
Winning Presentation and Moderation
Format: 1 day
Participants: ideally 12, managers and employees if possible together, also from different departments
Ideally, participants have previously attended "Successful Communication and Conflict Resolution".
- Differing communication and presentation situations
- Goals, impact and stickiness: What do I expect and others need?
- Thoughts are images
- What do I, my department, my company stand for? Values and Added Value
- Communication and presentation content, presentation stages and staging
- Moderation: motives, phases, Dos and Don´ts, dealing with difficult situations
Successful Negotiating
"I'm not limiting myself to one position, rather leveraging leeway.”
You put yourself in your negotiating PARTNER's shoes. You prepare clear scenarios in order to actively shape cooperation at eye level. You create win-win situations and long-term and resilient relationships.
Format: 2 days
Participants: ideally 12, managers and employees if possible together, also from different departments
- Beneficial preparation, setting agendas, defining leeway
- What does my partner really want and need? Role simulation in the for-field
- We are negotiation PARTNERS: the right kind of communication
- Negotiation procedures and milestones
- Harvard Method
- Difficult people and situations, attackers and manipulators, conflict resolution and de-escalation, NVC/GfK method
- “Calm, Cool and Collected” coupled with openness and flexibility
- Uncovering and removing personal hurdles
- Celebrating common ground: joint perspectives and interests
Time Management and Work Flow
Only results count - not effort "Work smart - not hard".
WHAT I do is more important than HOW I do it: “There’s no right way to do the wrong thing”.
Those who prioritise the important, plan their approach realistically. Their inner compass guides through the day, week and year.
Then the days on the way to the goal are fulfilling - instead of just filled up.
Format: 1 day
Participants: ideally 12, managers and employees if possible together, also cross- departmental
- How do I use my time during the week
- Exposing the mantra "I don't have time"
- WHAT do I want?
- HOW can I achieve it: Setting priorities and following through
- Pareto principle, Eisenhower quadrants
- Reducing interruptions, the multitasking myth, saying "no", meeting culture
- This is how I will proceed in the future
Intercultural Communication
Contact with people from other national cultures is part of everyday working life in an increasingly globalized world. The opportunities for international cooperation can be better realized with customers, partners and suppliers. Those who are aware of the impact of intercultural interplay and communication move confidently and successfully on the international stage.
The prerequisite for this is to look at yourself critically in the mirror and to honestly question your own cultural imprints, beliefs and world views.
Format: 1 day
Participants: ideally 12, managers and employees if possible together, also from different departments
- Rules and basics of international communication
- Culturally different language and time behavior
- Realities, visible and invisible
- Cultural dimensions
- Basics
- Scientific comparison of cultures of business contacts
- What is the best way for me to pick up my business partner?
- International teams, virtual teams
- Preparation for intercultural encounters
- Perceive fine nuances and avoid misunderstandings
Modern Business Etiquette: What’s New
It is a pleasure to experience professional behaviour in everyday life – not only for your own progress and well-being but for everyone’s benefit. You can learn to appear more self-assured and represent your company more attractively at every occasion and opportunity. Such skillful application of modern etiquette is achievable for every open-minded person and creates fertile ground for interesting encounters.
Format: 1 day
Participants: ideally 12, managers and employees if possible from different departments
Ideally, participants should also have completed Time Management and Work Flow
- What is "professional behaviour”? Why do I want it?
- What is my goal? What is my personal brand (= what do I stand for?)
- First encounters: greetings, titles, hierarchies
- Analysing and addressing challenging behaviours and situations
- Business Ethics: reliability
- Small Talk: scoring and pitfalls
- Showing up: space, dress code, table manners
- My next steps
Staying Strong: Vigilance and Vitality
A clever energy balance enables us to achieve a plus every day: in performance, self-determination, joy of living and gratitude.
We are usually not burdened by the QUANTITY of the working hours, but HOW these hours and HOW our private lives are organized. We can train our unconscious so that we remain calm and focused - in any situation. Many practical and simple tips and methods can be integrated immediately into everyday life and make work and leisure joyful.
Format: 1 day
Participants: ideally 12, managers and employees if possible together from different departments
Ideally, participants have attended "Time Management and Work Flow"
- Energy flow in communication: helpful language, words are energy, hearing with the right ear(s)
- Weakening interpretations, clear communication with myself and others gives focus and strength. What strengthens me personally?
- Energisers: “The Center that Holds”-- Hearing, feeling, tasting, smelling, seeing as effective sources of power
- Forest Bathing: Healing Power of Nature
- What stresses me personally?
- Recognising and mitigating energy expenditures, rest and restoration for greater traction and more momentum
- Immediate restoration measures
- Tips and measures for more joy at work and home
- Fake news from the self-help scene
- That's what I want to do for myself in the future.
The Personal Brand "I"
Who am I and where am I going? What was once the vision quest in old cultures is now used to create the “personal brand”. What is the source of my power and how do I direct it for my good as well as everyone’s good? With answers to these questions, you can better assume responsibility for your particular positions in your various systems: the company, team, family, etc.
And – finally your present positions can be improved so you acting from your true essence, strength and joy.
Format: 1 day
Participants: ideally 12, managers and employees if possible, from different departments
Ideally, participants should also have completed "Time Management and Work Flow"
- What does "self-branding" mean? Why should I do it?
- What is my goal?
- What is at the heart of my brand?
- What / who encourages and empowers me, what / who weakens me?
- How to stay on the ball – and follow through
- Purposeful and focused communication and presentation
- Networking with a global reach
- My next steps
Spiritual Leadership
Format: 1 day
Participants: ideally 12
- What is "spiritual leadership"?
- When do I lead, when am I led?
- Perceiving, strengthening and following your intuition
- Dealing with one's own and other’s ego
- Finding and conveying meaning
- The universe doesn’t make mistakes: all is right
- Creating your own destiny – all possibilities are always accessible: believe to receive
- “Your personality creates your personal reality.” Dr. Joe Dispenza
- “Constellations”: a way to find your way
- Universal energy for a more powerful and empowering leader
It is gratifying to uplift other people. Your trainers learn to quickly and confidently access and articulate internalized content, know exactly what is to be conveyed and how. This means proficiency in holistic didactic methods.
Our specialist, state-of-the-art toolbox proves to be of great value:
- exercises, moderation knowhow and a self-assured performance in front of the group
- handling objections and critical participants with confidence
- flexibly steering group dynamics and
- creating a positive, interesting and creative learning atmosphere
Format: 2 days
Participations: ideally 9
Ideally, participants should have previously attended "Communication and Conflict Resolution" and "Presentation and Moderation"
- Presentation techniques, moderation and communication in trainings and workshops
- Standing in your own power while standing in front of others
- Dealing with objections and critical participants
- Transferring your knowing and power to transform the participants' mindset and behavior
- Targeted use of exercises and simulations
- Steering group dynamics and using didactic aids
- Special role as colleague for colleagues
- Ensuring lasting impact